Black Community Tamara R Grove Black Community Tamara R Grove

Illegal Alien Invasion and the Democratic Party Set Up

In reality the illegal alien is a detriment to the Black community. A financial burden, that is devastating. Illegal Aliens cost US taxpayers135 billion dollars every year. Their willingness to work for low wages necessarily keeps all wages low, they fight for our jobs, they take our housing, gentrify our neighborhoods, and believe it or not enforce no go zones within our own communities.

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Watchman Tamara R Grove Watchman Tamara R Grove

The Black Dreamer...Let There Be Hope Again

The American Dream.

It’s a promise that is earned. It’s a perception set by every American rooted in life experiences. We watch our parents, our family members, and family friends. We hear stories of generations no longer amongst us; tales of failures, of strikeouts, and home runs - it causes us to dream. Formed at a young age groomed as we grow, we set our sights on obtaining a goal. The American Dream is not something someone hands you it’s something you go out and persevere to attain.

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