Illegal Alien Invasion and the Democratic Party Set Up

I’m a Female. I have a Doctorate. I’m Black. And I’m mad. 


The American Dream; it’s a promise that is earned. It’s a perception set by every American rooted in life experiences. We watch our parents, our family members, and family friends. We hear stories of generations no longer amongst us; tales of failures, of strikeouts, and home runs - it causes us to dream. Formed at a young age groomed as we grow, we set our sights on obtaining a goal. The American Dream. It is not something someone hands you it’s something you go out and persevere to attain. Everyone’s dream looks different – but it is always based on the inconceivable made tangible in the struggle of obtaining it.

Sometimes the dream changes as the child grows and faces personal hurdles, failures, setbacks, and wake up calls. Sometimes barriers are too significant to overcome. Regardless of the ending we all begin with a dream.

Many children living in the United States today have dreams that are more comparable to obtaining the first step on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Stuck on step one “Psychological” - wanting things like food, water, and shelter. Many reside where generations have been raised by young single mothers struggling to make ends meet, where life is short, and danger is plentiful. And still they dream, perhaps it’s even more inconceivable, but the dream lives. Despite an overwhelming sense of hopelessness a few win but it’s far too few. No one dreams of being a grown man, bound to alcohol addictions, lost in a meth high, living in the streets, with felony convictions as the most prominent achievement.


Hopelessness Abounds.

I hear the constant chatter of the Democratic Party screaming for the rights of the illegal alien who have dared to cross the vicious borders to obtain the American dream. Many applaud them, their efforts painted in the minds of the masses like they are unsung heroes. They are given food, clothing, and shelter. Their illegal activities are overlooked, and sanctuary abounds.


And silence hangs like a dark cloud

Regarding the plight of the Black man.

There is no applause for the man who pushes through the endless onslaught of drugs and violence that is their daily life. Americans; caught in a vicious cycle of poverty, broken families, and ruthless government officials who are more interested in building up their own bank accounts then serving the ones who put them in their positions.

To be clear, the plight of the illegal looks nothing like the plight of the descendants of slaves. Nothing. Black history is thrown around like chips in a gambling casino – whenever the story is most useful it is used. It causes silence to befall the people of this nation because who wants to be seen as a racist? And yet, as you throw around our story you do nothing for the community who’s backs you are once again stepping on to obtain whatever new whim or fad you are hustling.

In reality the illegal alien is a detriment to the Black community. A financial burden, that is devastating. Illegal Aliens cost US taxpayers 135 billion dollars every year. Their willingness to work for low wages necessarily keeps all wages low, they fight for our jobs, they take our housing, gentrify our neighborhoods, and believe it or not enforce no go zones within our own communities. Data clearly shows that between 1960 and 2000 immigration accounted for about 40% of the 18%-point decline in black employment rates. Nearly 95% of confirmed aliens in Federal prison are here illegally. They fill our prisons with horrific gang related crimes, drug possession and drug trafficking, money laundering, murder, and fraud.

Scream racism all day long – but I say anyone who says, “Mexicans do the work no one else wants to do,” is indeed the true racist. As a matter of fact, that is about the only thing the Black community has in common with the illegal. The democrats back in the 1800’s said the same thing about the then Black slave. They said, we “did the jobs no one else wanted to do,” and then they went to war over it. Democrats, once again, use our story of over 400 years of fighting to obtain our rightful position in this nation, not to assist us, instead to assist the illegals so that they can have fresh fruit.


Build the damn wall.


And Yet We Will Dream.

I dream, that one day the streets of the urban communities will be bustling with commerce. That great American Black dreamers will go on to become inventors and scientists, poets and authors, great men of courage, and honorable communities. Places where excellent educations are possible, where travelers from other nations destine to visit. A place where great things are accomplished for humanity. I dream that one-day young Black men and women will no longer be caught up in gangs, drugs, and violence but instead will put their hands to good work – the kind that builds up the communities and the nation not tear it down.

I believe it is possible under the watchful eye of President Donald J. Trump. I believe for the first time in decades the Black community can find its way out of poverty and into the American Dream. It’s time that we, stand with the President and against any politician who fights harder for the rights of those who come here illegally than the rights of the direct descendent of slaves. Nothing changes until we demand it. Now is our time.

Enalls-Fenner, T, (January, 2019). Illegal Alien Invasion and the Democratic Party, {Blog Post}. Retrieved from

Tamara R Grove

Chosen Daughter of the King, blessed wife of Ian, and mother to the most amazing humans on planet earth. I am genuinely overwhelmed by you, Lord.

Goodbye Moon


The Black Dreamer...Let There Be Hope Again