Great Faith Awaken
Great faith awaken in me! Obedient faith be my way of life! Holy Spirit, my great comforter, my guide, and my friend turn my eyes back to the one who set me free turn my heart back to the Father. Help me to put my hands to the plow THIS TIME and NOT look back. Have mercy Lord for the spirit in me is willing but my flesh is weak. I consistently do what I know not to do and struggle with deep procrastination to do what I know to do. Destroy in me Lord, the rebellious child that has long since lived beyond its years.
Teach me to see you with the eyes of a willing servant a slave as many called themselves in the Bible; quick to lay down my own life for the good of YOUR cause not my own. I am willing to follow you, Lord, I am able. Now help me in the areas where unbelief thrives, and rebellion squanders the gifts you have given me.
Ready my hands for battle Lord, ready my mind for submission to your calling. Raise me up Lord to do your will and help me to remain low and meek in the areas of self-containment and preservation.
Raise me up Lord to do your will, a bruised reed you will not break and a dimly burning wick you will not extinguish! You bring forth Justice – you bring forth my justice like the noonday! You are the lifter of my head and have exalted my horn! The sound of your name scatters my enemies. You flare your nostrils and turn your head in my direction when I call your name when I am troubled. You are a faithful Father, a lover of my soul. The lifter of my head you make your throne in my praises. You are good.
Though they come for me you fight on my behalf even in the dark places where the enemy runs wild you fight for me. What can man do to me with you as my King? What can man do to me? You are my Lord, my God in whom I rest! My safe place, my glorious King who has never failed me, never left me and even though I despised you – you came for me. You came for me. You fight for me. There is no God like my God. No King like the King of Kings No one is worthier of praise than the Lord Elohim – Yeshua the Father of ALL.