Sponsor a Campaign
We need your help! Give, volunteer, or both!
Whatever your season looks like, I urge you to partake in this opportunity. Our Fiscal Sponsor is Warrior Circle.
Come and join us by volunteering, giving, or both. You’ll grow in ways and in areas you never thought possible.
Our work impacts the entire community of Sioux Falls and, thus, the entire state of South Dakota. When one of us suffers, we all suffer. The wellness of our society is directly impacted by the illness of the least among us.
Its time to take a stand and do what we have been called to do as participants in this thing called life. We need your help.
I’ll admit it; when it’s time to go pick up dirty trash again or journey with friends whose lives are messy, or sit through yet another pointless governmental hearing. I cringe.
Okay, I admitted it.
I would rather stay in the comforts of my home and live my life as if all is well.
But everything isn’t well.
And if I don’t go…who will? The craziest part…I’m never disappointed in the going. I always meet the most amazing people, or hear the most incredible stories, or find the most beautiful opportunity to hold someone’s hand.
Join us.