Appreciative Intelligence® and Hostile Work Environments

Are you "that boss?" You know the one with a nasty attitude and possible anger issues? No? Let me ask another way, do people avoid you when you walk in the office? Do they shut down when you walk in the room or get off the elevator when you get on? If so, you just might be "that boss."

As hard as that may be to accept its necessary that you do. Perhaps you even feel like its okay to be "that boss." But I can tell you from research and personal experience you cost your organization lots and lots and lots of money. Did I say lots? I mean lots.

Within stressful workplace environments, I found that most leaders used an appreciative intelligence® (AQ) mindset to address the various situations. When leaders lead with AQ, they can address conditions from a different mindset. Most people are quick to get on board with a positive forward moving train. Within this type of environment, people become connected, enthusiastic; they take risks, go above and beyond the call of duty and care genuinely about the cause. Your business, your dreams, your hopes - become theirs. They have a stake in the success; they begin to dream, hope and grow...this is an excellent place to be.

However, the exact opposite is true when leadership is toxic and hostile facilitating a hostile work environment. Hostile work environments limit your leadership as well. You may have the best leadership in town, but nothing shuts down an AQ mindset faster than a toxic owner or board of directors. I mean NOTHING. In my research, I asked, “what limits a leader’s ability to utilize appreciative intelligence in a perceived hostile work environment?” 

Stop losing money, exceptional staff and sought after customers. Check your environment, check your leadership skills - are you creating a hostile work environment? Is your current leadership? Is your board? If so, its time to make a change before its too late.


Enalls-Fenner, T. (2015). Exploring appreciative intelligence competencies for small business leadership during stressful situations (Order No. 3688863). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1674844242). 

Enalls-Fenner, T. (2015). Exploring hostile work environments and the limitations that leaders face when utilizing appreciative intelligenceIn GD Sardana & Tojo Thatchenkery (Eds.), Managing Complex Organization Change (28-40)New Delhi, India: Bloomsbury Publishing India PVT. LTD


Tamara R Grove

Chosen Daughter of the King, blessed wife of Ian, and mother to the most amazing humans on planet earth. I am genuinely overwhelmed by you, Lord.

Workplace Faith...yes it exists