Who do you say I am

July 20, 2018


Awake awake o sleeper knock the sleep from your eyes and see. Many turn their backs on the destruction at hand they fear they will be laid to waste so they run from it. I have called you to fight. To warrior up and pursue but you run away. You justify your flight saying it’s not nice to say mean things. Truth will always sound mean to the desperate and blind don’t be moved by their skewed perspective.

Write what I tell you to write
Say what I tell you to say
Let the fallout be on me.

Stop playing patty cake with the devil and those who have been bewitched by the enemy. You have lost your voice because you have submitted it to the tongue of political correctness you have submitted to the demon of Dumb – you are blind deaf and dumb. You preach from a place of governance submitted to the ruler of this world you have clothed yourselves in the enemy’s dress and you call it priestly.

"His winnowing fork is in His hand to thoroughly clear His threshing floor, and to gather the wheat into His barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."

"His winnowing fork is in His hand to thoroughly clear His threshing floor, and to gather the wheat into His barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."

You are blinded by the greed of discounted tithes I never asked for discounted tithes I said bring the whole tithe into the storehouse and test me – see what I wil do but you have submitted to an IRS code and your message is weak because of it. You see and say what they say – what the ruler of this world would have you say.

You have lost your fire. Your testimony has been shelved you’re called to overcome him by the blood of the lamb and the powerful word of your testimony not loving your lives unto death. But you fear death, you fear the power of your testimony, you fear the power of the judgment of man more than you fear me. You have submitted to the world and you whore after what it has to offer forsaking your first love.

I am calling you back. I am calling you back to me your first love, take off your grave clothes and come forth. Put on your priestly robes of righteousness and say what I tell you to say. Go where I tell you to go. Do what I tell you to do. Stop bowing at the altar of baal and baksheesh. Lift up your eyes and see from where your help comes - your help comes from the Lord. Pick up your heads, square your shoulders and prepare for war. This is not a season to play games and to drink. Your drunken foolishness is a stench in my nostrils you throw your head back in laughter with your teeth bared – shut your mouths and fight. Put down your gaieties and fight.

Put on your battle gear the trumpet is sounding. Put on your battle gear and prepare for battle. Get before me and hear my direction, reacquaint yourselves with truth, shut down the jabbering of the lying media and pick up the truth of my word.

Be a showcase of my glory – show the world who I am! Warrior – FIGHT!


Stand up and fight for those who cannot fight! Stop screaming at the wind and punching in the dark – put on the Truth. OPEN YOUR EYES AND SEE I’m standing right before you.

I stand at the door and knock who will let me in? Who will dine with me? The time to war is upon you – do you even know it?

Eyes be opened for the glory of my son Jesus Christ.

You think I’m weak because they have told that I am. You deny my power because you think I am unable to battle on your behalf. You deny me. You deny my son, you deny my Holy Spirit power, you deny my redeeming power. I can save whomever I choose, I can set him up in high places if I so choose. He serves at my pleasure and I am greatly pleased. Take your mouths off of my anointed. Bow your haughty knees to what I am doing I have saved your lives and you do not even know it. You are worse than the leprous men healed by my son, dishonoring him without even simple acknowledgment for the miracle done on their behalf.

Return to me.

Return to me

Return to me while the day is still day – return to me.

Who will usher in the truth? Who will carry the banner of truth? Who will carry the flag of freedom? WHO will be found worthy in the land? I am seeking one to show myself strong in – who is willing who is willing?

You say bless me Lord, bless me, bless me. The blessing is in obedient faith. The blessing is in laying down ones life for another. The blessing is in dying to self, picking up your cross and dying daily. Put your desires on the cross and leave them there what is worthy of me I will resurrect what is not will die. Celebrate it. Glorify my name not your own.

Tamara R Grove

Chosen Daughter of the King, blessed wife of Ian, and mother to the most amazing humans on planet earth. I am genuinely overwhelmed by you, Lord.


I Can See You Now